Youth Ministry

 S.A.L.T and Youth Ministry

“It takes a village to raise a child.”

Our children belong to God and our responsibility as parents is to equip them with God’s kingdom to Impact the world.  At Faith Community, we help parents equip their children for this purpose.  The Bible instructs us to “Train up a child in the way he should go and he will not depart from it.”

Faith Community has encouraged youth and young adults to express their talents and gifts through creative arts.  Arts through mime and dance have proven to attract youth and young adults in a special way. 

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S.A.L.T. Shabach Arts Living Testimony provide opportunities for other youth and young adults to express their devotion to God through the arts.  This is not limited to mime and dance, but extends to other forms or art creation.

Join and support us in reaching our youth and young adults through the arts.  It’s anointed.  It’s powerful.  And it’s for you.