Begin Again

Break out of Old Cycles

To become the real “you” on the inside of you

And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent. (Jn.17:3)

Many make New Year’s resolutions every year, only to break them every year.  When will this people break out of the old cycle of going around the same mountain and getting nowhere?  Jesus came to set us free from our old cycles, and enable us to experience living in the “land of promise” we desire.  God has already given us what it takes.  We must learn to break out of our old cycles and enter into God’s cycle.

What is “Eternal Life”?  It is in knowing God personally, and knowing how to live life from the inside out.  Eternal life isnot just knowing about Jesus, but having a personal relationship with Christ, and living every day from this relationship. This is not a passive type of knowing where one may say, “I know somebody.”  Instead it is an active knowing that causes us to come to know more and more through daily walking and becoming more intimate with the one you know.

Therefore, when we truly know Jesus, we seek to know Him more.  This becomes the foundation for becoming the person we desire to be. We then develop habits and make the necessary changes so that our new life in Christ will manifest in our everyday lives.  This power of Eternal Life working in us is the key to moving from where we are to where we want to be.
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When Moses met God at the burning bush, Moses asked God His name, and God responded; “I AM that I AM.”  Within this idea of “I AM,” is eternity of the past, present, and future wrapped up into one.  Eternity is not merely some future time, but says that what is in my “present” as “I am” has within it what has already been in my “past,” and what will be in my “future.”

Therefore, we should live each moment in the power of the “I AM”, the Eternal Life of God that is not only sometime in the future, but is already in my present.  Every time we use the term, “I am” we convey our aspect of who God is in us.  Jesus used it to convey who He was by saying; “I am the bread of life;” “I am the good shepherd;” and many other declarations of who “I am…” in Him.

Therefore, I can break out of my old cycles with this eternal life on the inside of me causing me to be the person God wants me to be.

Do you want to break out of your old cycles to become the new person God wants you to be?  You can live in this Abundant Life Now. We show you how.

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