Why Christians Do Not Prosper

“But you shall receive power – [ability, efficiency and might]– when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me… ” (Acts 1:8a). 

Witness means to see or know by personal experience.  To give testimony or evidence to something you know to be true because of personal firsthand experience.

The believer’s witness is to display God’s glory to the world.  This display of God’s goodness includes the area of blessings in prosperity.    The Bible says more about money than it does about heaven.  I have nothing against heaven, but it seems to me that God has just as much interest in His children’s well-being and prosperity.  There’s no doubt about it, our prosperity is directly related to our ability to be effective witnesses.

If this idea makes you uncomfortable, then maybe this message is not for you.  But anyone can learn something if they are open.  If you desire to go to another level of something you desire, but have not experienced, then just be open.  God has more for His children, and I believe we are in a season of a great wealth transfer.  Therefore Christians should learn how to receive the physical manifestations of God’s blessings in the form of prosperity.

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Believers must remember that being effective witnesses includes understanding biblical concepts concerning money and prosperity. Jesus died so those who believe in Him could enjoy all the benefits of God’s goodness.  This includes your relationship with God and others; living in prosperity and abundance; having health, wholeness, and peace of mind; being faithful in God’s work; and enjoying all the benefits of God’s kingdom.

Since I seek to keep these blogs brief, I’ll have to share other thoughts in subsequent blogs. Also, if you desire to be in on the upcoming lessons, you can reserve your spot to hear my teachings on “Why Christians Do Not Prosper.” (Simply respond to the blog or send e-mail to faithcommunitych@yahoo.com).  You will just call into the tele-conference and listen. We also enjoy your comments and feedback on the blogs.

Remember, Jesus died so you could prosper, be in health, and enjoy all of God’s goodness.  Be God’s witness today. EMBRACE GOD’S BENEFIT FOR YOUR PROSPERITY.

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