Why Aren’t You Happy?

There are times when you seem all alone, and no one understands what you are going through.  You just want to be happy, but can’t seem to find it.  Why aren’t you happy?

Our US Constitution gives every citizen the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  However, why are so many people still not happy?  It’s because happiness is elusive. Sometimes, the very thing we think will bring happiness can become a nightmare.  The husband, or wife, or child we thought would bring happiness, can also break our hearts.  Many seek happiness through people and things, but only to discover that the same people  or thing can also bring pain.

When you feel good, you feel happy.  But the same thing that makes you feel good can also make you miserable.  A recent television episode depicted the hippy movement of the 1960’s of how many experimented with LSD and other drugs.  They wanted the whole world to try this drug and enter a life of love, peace, and happiness.  It seemed appealing.  However, those who used it became consumed with feeling good with no concern for anything else.  They didn’t want responsibility.  They didn’t want to work.  They refused to submit to those in authority.  But many ended in the hospitals with mental problems.  Some even overdosed and died.  Is this the happiness they desired?

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Does following Jesus lead to happiness?  Following Jesus can cause you to lose your best friends. Following Jesus will cause you to lose things you love.  Following Jesus will teach you submission, accountability, self-denial, and repentance.  Following Jesus will lead you to think more about others and less of yourself.  So why would anyone want to follow Jesus? — Because it leads to life, liberty, and true happiness.

Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He will lift you up.  (Ja.4:10).

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