Where Are The Men?

Why is it that men are not as active in the church as women?  Does God not have a plan for them?  Do men know what that plan is?  How can the church reach our men?

One of the greatest needs in our churches is the involvement of men.  Our outreach ministries have focused on mass media and special programs.  However, Jesus used none of these.  He gained followers by recruiting men and teaching them to become fishers of men.  This same model still works.   Let’s grow the church the old fashion way – Make Disciples by becoming Fishers of Men.

I believe the absent male is at the center of the problems facing our society today.  Join the campaign ofReaching Men to Grow the Church.”

While we’ve used new technology and new programs for trying to grow the church, we’ve overlooked the most effective way – becoming Fishers of Men.  Jesus not only ministered to the masses, he ministered to the “one. ”  Jesus knew that the way to build the kingdom and grow the church was to reach the group that is more prone to stay away, the men.  He called twelve men to follow him so they could reach others through one-on-one relationships.

To be a Fisher of Men, we must Help Men Grow in Purpose, Power, and Prosperity –Developing Boys into Men, Men into Mentors, and Mentors into Spiritual Fathers.
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