True Happiness

 “You are the light of the world. . . . Let your light so shine before men that they will see your good works and glorify your Father which is in heaven”  (Matt.5:14,16).

Since people want to be around happy people, unhappy Christians can pose a real challenge to the faith,   You feel better when you are happy.  You have more strength when you are happy. You display a positive energy when you are happy.  And you experience more success when you are happy.  Therefore you have a moral obligation to your loved ones, to yourself and to God to BE HAPPY.

If following Jesus is so impressive, then why do so many Christians seem to be unhappy?  Studies have shown that Christians are not necessarily the happiest people. If the desire to be happy in life is a driving force for many people, then unhappy Christians will not influence others to follow Christ.

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True happiness is not just an emotional feeling one has.  True happiness is enjoying your living for God.  True happiness comes from receiving rewards and benefits for faithful service. True happiness is being grateful for an opportunity to serve others.  True happiness comes from knowing how to enjoy life — experiencing success, satisfaction, and fulfillment in life.

Therefore, believers have a moral obligation to be happy.  Truly happy Christians demonstrate how to enjoy the abundant life found through Jesus Christ.    Truly happy Christians worship God in spirit and in truth.  Truly happy Christians are successful in life because they know how to serve.  Truly happy Christians are good witnesses for drawing others to Christ.    Therefore you have a moral obligation to let your light shine as a witness in happily being God’s witness and enjoying the benefits for doing so.

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5 Responses to "True Happiness"

  1. Osola Barnwell says:

    Love the post, also remember that it takes more wrinkles to frown than to smile

  2. Lady Gloria Barnwell says:

    GREAT WORD, for The Body Of Christ today, who wants a CHRISTIANITY that manifests frowns, so SMILE!

  3. Carol says:

    Enjoyed reading your blog regarding true happiness.
    The promises of God should cause all Christians to have a contentment that illuminates from within – I find happiness knowing God loved me so much He sent His son to tell me

  4. Debra Jones says:

    That is so true Pastor. I have been around people who are always down and negative and I could not take it. Because I am a joyful person who love to be happy and cheerful. Some where saved and some were not.

  5. linda tyndall says:

    I really enjoyed your blog Pastor. I am so thankful that God lead me to FCC thirteen years ago. It is true that the Word will change the way you see yourself. You will begin to see yourself as Christ sees you if you align yourself up with the Word. I did not know what true happiness was until I allowed the Word of God to transform me into the way He sees me through the Word of Jesus Christ. As I took on the Word, the Word began to change me into the image of Christ even more and now I am truly happy because I know what God says about me. I am truly a new creation in Christ and that is true happiness! Hallelujah!