Trayvon’ Martin, What is God saying?

We’ve heard the verdict. We’ve heard commentary about the verdict.

We’ve heard from a judicial point of view — Self-defense, Manslaughter, Stand your ground law, gun rights, gun control, and more.

We’ve heard from a racial point of view — Racial profiling, racial disparity of black young men in prison, and racial injustices.

We’ve heard from an economic point of view – Spending more funds for education and employment and not on prisons.

We’ve heard from a sociological point of view — Rallying for justice, and personal stories shared on Facebook who relate to losing their own young boys through violence.

We’ve even heard our president speak his point of view.

In the light of these, I believe some are asking: “What is God saying?”  “What is God doing?”    I do not claim to be the only one seeking to know and speak what God might be saying, but since I do have a voice, allow me to say what I see.

 First, All human governments are imperfect and always will be.   America has a form of government with counter-balances and accountability so as to minimize the chances of monarchy, anarchy, and dictatorship.  The American form of government is not perfect, but is a pretty good form of government for promoting justice and civil liberties.  Even our Constitution affirms — we should strive for a “more perfect union.”

In America, our form of government is designed for people to be heard and represented at all levels — local, state, and national.  However, sometimes laws do not fairly represent all the people.   Those who are concerned with such mis-representations should seek to change laws through protest and other forms.  This was effective when Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on the bus.  It sparked a bus boycott and gave rise to changing many laws of segregation.

At other times, laws may not need changing, but change should be directed toward equal enforcement of such laws. A case can be made that if laws are enforced equality then there would not be such disparity of more black American men in prison as compared to other races.  African Americans are not more criminal by nature because of race.  There are other factors involved that causes such disparities. These causes must be addressed.

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… And because lawlessness abounds, the love of many will grow cold” (Matt.24:12).

For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work; …  The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, … (2 Thess. 2:7, 9).

Lawlessness happens when there is increased distrust and disrespect for authority. Lawlessness is reflected in the pervasive attitudes that says; “I will do what I want to do, when I want to do it, and don’t try to tell me what to do.”

Many Christians do not want anything to do with church, and stay home and watch TV and Web-site ministries.  They refuse to become active in the local church. Many do not commit because they refuse to receive “reproof, rebuke, correction, and instruction in righteousness” (see 2 Tim. 3:16 ).   They live as Christians in their isolated world, at home refusing to listen to anyone.  In doing so, they may not recognize it, but are promoting the very thing God is against – Lawlessness.

Too often, when persons receive correction at church, they respond with something like: “Who do you think you are, trying to tell me what to do.  I don’t have to take this.”  They leave, and either will not go to any church, or move from church to church without committing and submitting to anyone.

Lawlessness causes mis-trust of authority, but anyone who considers him or herself to be a child of God will receive correction, chastisement, and discipline (see Heb. 12:7-11). Believers must therefore confront and resist lawlessness at all levels.

Thirdly, God’s kingdom is everlasting, perfect, and complete.   If the world is moving toward lawlessness, believers should move toward demonstrating God’s kingdom — submitting to order, authority, and accountability.  This is not a popular message, but the church should teach it and every believer should pursue and practice it.  God seeks to use people like Daniel, who during times of captivity, still respected and submitted to an ungodly Babylonian king.  Daniel remained faithful and God used him, protected him, and promoted him.

God’s kingdom and government is everlasting, perfect, and complete; and always will be.  In this world, God uses imperfect human institutions for His purposes.  Forms of government may differ from one nation to another, and church structures may differ from one to another, and in all of them, there are imperfect. However, since God uses them, believers should be involved in them for reflecting and promoting Christ as King of all authority.

Therefore, the people of God must respect authoritative structures, and at the same time pursue ways to affect such structures with the spirit and message of God’s kingdom. This is no small task, but it’s our mandate.  Believers must not be passive, but seek to make a difference in the world and a distinction in the church by respecting authority in imperfect human institutions and at the same time seek to influence these systems in ways that honor the authority of God’s kingdom where Christ is Lord and King.

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1 Response to "Trayvon’ Martin, What is God saying?"

  1. Linda Tyndall says:

    Pastor this statement is so true,we are going to have to address things that are going on around us daily.The next day after you spoke on this message,to my surprise there was a problem going on in the neighborhood where my bussiness is located(tar heel). There is a large company from cumberland county trying to get a permit from bladen county commissioners to be able to dump human slugg on three sites of land they have leased in this county. The communitie is not in no way in agreement with this project. We have taken all the steps that we can on the matter,the rest is in Gods hands. We joined together in unisome voicing our rights as a people,in no way do we know how this is going to end but we did our part. The area is already over polutted with the sting from the hog plant(smithfield packaging),hog farms and chicken farms all in one county less to say we don’t need anything else.