Teach Children the Right Way

I have not written blogs lately because I’ve been finishing my next book.  I believe it will be a tremendous blessings to the body of Christ.  Please, keep me in your prayers. 

Also my heart is heavy concerning parents and teenagers.  We’re having a Family Conference next week, Oct. 21-24 Nightly at 7:00, and Saturday Celebration at 5:00 that you may want to attend.  The conference is directed toward bringing healing and reconciliation to parents and teenagers.  Please, join us. 

Also, if you are concerned about the youth and young adults of today, then plant a faith-seed donation and believe God to bring healing to our children.  There is much work that needs to done, and we expect God to touch our parents and teenagers in a powerful way.

One thing that brings the greatest joy to parents is that their children will grow up to love God with all their heart and to love others as themselves.  Parents want their children to learn to make good choices about life.

However, there is a great disconnect between children and parents today.  Many children and have lost respect for others and it shows in the crimes, gangs, and rebellion among teenagers.  Parents should recognize that the best way to teach children is to demonstrate it with their own lives. If our children will learn to make good choices about life, parents must show them how.  However, most people don’t understand how to make good decisions because they do not recognize these two things.

The first important things is that there are two ways to live.  One way leads to life and the other leads to death.  The Bible says;“I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life… (Deut.30:19). 

The second thing is that there is an enemy at work to distract and deceive us in our decisions.  The enemy leads people down the wrong way.  The enemy confuses many people.   The enemy deceives people into choosing the wrong way without realizing it. The Bible says; There is a way that seems right to a man, But its end is the way of death (Pro. 16:25).
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People try hard to make life work, but with little results.  They try to be good and do the right thing, but their best efforts are not good enough. These people try to live without God, or they serve God only when it’s convenient and easy.  They keep a safe distance and do not become passionate for God.  They do not give God their best.   Their choices reflect that they have not chosen to follow God’s way wholeheartedly.

We make choices all the time, but some are more important than others.  The decisions you make every day reflects the type of life you’ve chosen to live Most people do not think about the more important decisions except when faced with a crisis or a life and death situations.  Instead of waiting for these, people should make resolved decisions about how they will live.

Resolved decisions simply mean to have a made up mind, to be determined, to be firm and steadfast in your decision.  That means that you can make a resolve about something before it happens.  Your resolve will guide you and give you strength to do right when you’re tempted to do wrong.  Therefore the more important decisions should be decisions of resolve.

Therefore, learn to make good decisions so we can teach our children how to make good decisions.   Let’s let our children see that we’ve made resolved decisions to follow God’s way whole-heartedly.    

What resolved decisions should you make concerning the following?

  1. Relationships 2. Family 3. Habits, 4. Attitude, 5. Education, 6. Career, 7. How you will live  8. How you will serve 9. Where you will spend eternity; 10. Any other area

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