
“Commit to being witnesses in the world by Living Life Abundantly and developing Kingdom Connections for promoting the Goodness of God’s Kingdom in the earth.”  The five areas where members and partners learn to live abundantly include:

Health    Wealth    Wisdom    Relationships    Purpose           

Are you ready to go to the next level? Are you interested in being a more deliberate in fulfilling God’s plan for your life? Join with other members and partners at Faith Community?

Partnership is the first level of building relationships with other members and partners with FCC. For those who desire to explore the relationship with the members and partners of FCC.  Partners receive correspondence that will help them experience greater levels of success.  Partners provide monthly financial support for the ministry.

Membership is a deeper commitment where one is willing to take more responsibility for supporting the vision of the ministry.  Members identify how they may best serve and support the ministry.  Members also benefits from other aspects of Covenant relationships of shaping the vision of ministry.

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 What does church membership mean, exactly?

It is simple, really. At Faith Community, a member is someone who has committed to do four things:

  1. Protect the unity of the church
  2. Share the responsibility of the church
  3. Serve the ministry of the church
  4. Support the testimony of the church