Reverse the Curse

When a person believes on Jesus Christ, he is born again. God becomes his heavenly Father. This new life gives him a new way of living to have purpose and enjoy life.   He becomes God’s witness and a vessel to be used for God’s kingdom.

The very life of God in the believer is “Zoe” — God’s life.  Jesus came so natural man could have eternal life, or “zoe” – God’s life.  This leads believers to align with God’s way of life to enjoy the blessings of eternal life.  And this is the testimony; that God has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son. (1Jn.5:11).

However, with the problems facing our society, many seem to be under a curse. In order to reverse the curse, we must consider other forms of life.   There are three other Greek words translated as “life.”

“Bio” means natural life; the order, customs, and natural functions of plants and animals.

“Psuche” refers to human life which can experience happiness or misery. This is the realm of the soul to include imaginations and reasoning.  The soul understands natural things, but not spiritual things.  But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned (1Cor.2:14).

The next word translated as life is “Anastrophee” which means confused behavior. It is an inversion of natural order.  It refers to backwardness, perversion, chaos, confusion, and the way of life that leads to being accursed.

The prophet, Malachi spoke of reversing the curse in the last days by turning the fathers to the children and children to their fathers (Read Mal. 4:5, 6).

Men play a critical role in God’s kingdom, but many are out of place. Therefore, to reverse the curse, men must come into alignment with God’s order, and lead his family to do the same.
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Since the natural man cannot understand things of the spirit, man does not have to understand it before he acts upon it. Believing and acting upon the gospel comes first.  This is a challenge for many men, because they want to understand it first. However, when men align with God’s order, it changes everything.  Therefore, receive Jesus into your life and reverse the curse today.

Questions for personal reflections and group discussions.

Why do men seem to be slow in responding to the things of God?

What fears and emotions must man overcome in order to respond to God?

What difference does it make when the father is actively involved in his child’s life?

What is one thing fathers can do to align with God’s plan and connect with their children?

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