Recognize True Authority

When you hear the running of a brand new engine of an automobile all systems run with peak performance.  Each system performs according to the plan of the maker.  Over time, if those systems are not maintained to the guidelines, they begin to break down.  They no longer perform with peak performance because they are no longer perfectly submitted to the performance plans of the maker.

So it is with life. God is the author of life, and has provided rules and guidelines to live in peak performance.  If we neglect or do not remain submitted to the guidelines, our lives begin to break down.    We are not happy.  We become frustrated.  We become confused.  We become tired.  We become afraid.  We become miserable.  We experience all the things we don’t want because we’ve failed to submit to the guidelines of the Maker.

This is happening in our generation today.  It’s happening in our communities.  It’s happening in our churches, our governments, our homes, and our very lives.  Our generation has forgotten some important guidelines about life.  Our previous generation was not perfect, and neither is our generation today.  But God expects more of us because we have the past from where we learn and the future toward which we move.  In the mean-time we should examine how we may have drifted from the guidelines of our Maker.

One of the main areas we should evaluate is our understanding of God’s guidelines concerning authority.  The enemy has done a number on us where many have distrust and distaste for all authority.  It’s happening in our world, our nation, our government, our communities, our churches, our homes, and our very lives.  At some point we should embrace the fact that all authority comes from God and to the degree that we submit to authority is to the same degree that we submit to God.

When there is no recognized authority, there is no order.  God is a God of order and delegates authority to believers to restore order in the earth.  However, before order is restored in the world, there must be a restoration of order in the lives of believers.  And before we can expect order in our lives, we must recognize and submit to kingdom authority.  The person who does not submit to authority is a person out of control.

Notice ten consequences for not submitting to true authority. 

1. Life is out of order                                              

2. Confidence is lost

3. Energy is wasted

4. Peace leaves and Confusion comes

5. Direction becomes cloudy

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Discover and Embrace Your Authority today.  Either of two ways is now available:  Attend Kingdom Authority Conference.

Enroll in the School of the Spirit Course “Discover Your Authority”.

Remember, the person who recognizes his or her own authority freely submits and benefits from true kingdom authority.




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