
Are Schools Failing Black Boys (pt.3)

Nothing Expected, Nothing Granted. In one of the largest studies of black male students ever conducted, New Orleans public schools found that while eight out of ten black parents believed their sons expected to go to college, only four out of ten teachers believed their black male students would receive a higher education. As a rule, children tend to live...
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Are schools failing black boys? (pt.2)

The Downhill Slide. A 1990 study of more than 105,000 students in Maryland’s Prince George’s County, where African Americans made up about 65 percent of the enrollment, showed that black male pupils performed comparably to boys and girls of all races on first- and second-grade standardized math and reading test. But by fourth grade, African American boys experienced a sharp...
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Are Schools Failing Black Boys? (pt.1)

By fourth grade many African American boys are already falling behind in the classroom. Our report examines what’s happening, what can be done, and why it should matter to all of us. Imagine for a moment that you live in a land where a number of the citizens have purple hair. Now suppose that most non-purple-haired people feel a little...
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The Mirage of Happiness

Happiness is like water.  It’s slippery when wet. You reach and grab for it, but it slips through your fingers.  Or happiness is like a mirage in the desert, you think you see water on the horizon, but as you move toward it, it moves away. A young man in his sports car is driving down the road in his...
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Why Aren’t You Happy?

There are times when you seem all alone, and no one understands what you are going through.  You just want to be happy, but can’t seem to find it.  Why aren’t you happy? Our US Constitution gives every citizen the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  However, why are so many people still not happy?  It’s because...
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