
Help Us Change the World

If you mourn over what’s happening in the world then God can use you. The world is suffering, and many are crying out of help.  When Jesus said, “blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted (Matt. 5:4), he taught his disciples to identify with the tension of knowing God’s will on one hand, and how people resist...
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Don’t Let Perfection Stop You

Many have dreams and want more out of life, but often hinder themselves without realizing it.  They let the idea of “perfection” stop them before they get started.  They want everything to be just right.  They think they must be perfect before God can use them.  They do not recognize that God uses them when they are simply being who...
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Don’t Let Perfection Stop You

Many have dreams and want more out of life, but often hinder themselves without realizing it.  They let the idea of “perfection” stop them before they get started.  They want everything to be just right.  They think they must be perfect before God can use them.  They do not recognize that God uses them when they are simply being who...
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You are the Salt of the Earth

You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men. (Matt. 5:12). As the salt of the earth, you should affect your environment.   How do you affect your environment?  Are you like a thermometer or...
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Get Honest with Yourself

Why are Christians so unhappy?  Jesus came so we could enjoy life, but Christians seem so unhappy with life.  They are unhappy with their jobs.  They are unhappy in their relationships.  They are unhappy with their finances.  They are unhappy with the church.  They are unhappy with their situation.  Too many Christians are just unhappy.  What’s the problem? Everyone has...
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