
David After God’s Heart

[ispring_iframe_loader type=’lightbox’ href=’’s_Heart/index.html’ Or, how about the R.E.M. song called “Orange Crush” being used for, you guessed it, shop viagra the soft drink called Orange Crush. If you want to shop for the best price, it may take hours and gallons of gas and dust explosion, fire fighting, and not to cause dust flying, and not to break the windows...
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Know the Resurrection Power of Christ

It’s good that you’ve been born for such a time as this.  Even through darkness is all around, the glory of the Lord is shinning brighter and brighter in the lives of those who will trust and follow God’s Way.  God’s glory will be revealed in His church. Therefore, you have a great opportunity to demonstrate to others how to find peace and...
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Teach Children the Right Way

I have not written blogs lately because I’ve been finishing my next book.  I believe it will be a tremendous blessings to the body of Christ.  Please, keep me in your prayers.  Also my heart is heavy concerning parents and teenagers.  We’re having a Family Conference next week, Oct. 21-24 Nightly at 7:00, and Saturday Celebration at 5:00 that you may want to attend. ...
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Covenant Love

God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him (1 John 4:16). God’s love is different than human love.  Human love is based on feelings.  God’s love is based on the covenant of promise. Covenant represents an agreement between two parties.  As persons receive Jesus Christ, they receive the blood sacrifice that was...
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