“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age” (Matt.28:19, 20).

If we have so many Christians and churches in our communities, then why do we have such problems in our communities — divorce, poverty, teen pregnancy, drugs, crime, corruption in politics, and much more?  If our message of the gospel is so powerful, then is it not powerful enough to bring change in our families and communities?

One reason for this is because there are many who have one type of Christianity on Sunday morning, but another type the rest of the week.  They go to church, sing their song, do their dance, and tell their testimony on Sunday morning.  But if we knew could follow them the rest of the week, we would properly be disappointed because their lives do not measure up to what’s projected on Sunday mornings.

If we expect the gospel to bring change in our communities, we must first allow the gospel to change our personal lives. However, for this type of change to happen we must recognize that the church faces a huge challenge.  The spirit of lawlessness that is in the world has become a part of the church.

The spirit of lawlessness is at work when there is a lack of respect and trust for authority, structure, correction, and discipline. We live in a culture where there is a strong propensity toward people doing what they want to do, when they want to do it, and refuse to listen to anyone.  They project an attitude that says “You can’t tell me what to do.”  “Who do you think you are?” This is the attitude of lawlessness that has come in the church.
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However, becoming a disciple is the opposite of lawlessness.  If we are going to take Jesus’ command for making disciples seriously, we must examine ourselves from the pulpit to the pew and consider how we may become more disciplined and accountable to someone whereby we can receive correction.  While lawlessness happens when one refuses to submit to law, order, structure, and discipline; a disciple on the other hand seeks these same things for changing, growing, and becoming a disciple of Christ.

A disciple is more than just having a conversion experience.  It requires being taught and growing up to spiritual maturity.    Discipleship happens in community where commitment to training and accountability are necessary.  We will never be who God created us to be unless we commit to an assembly where we can be instructed, corrected, reproved, rebuked, and encouraged to grow to maturity.

In this generation, many people may shun this level of commitment because of past experiences. Many compare themselves with others who are not committed to any church and conclude that they can fulfill their Christian responsibility without any commitment themselves.  Others refuse to commit because they say “too many hypocrites are in the church.”  This may be true, but there are also too many hypocrites outside of the church.  They call themselves Christian, but do not want to have anything to the body of Christ.  This is the spirit of lawlessness at work in many believers.

I beg of you, brothers and sisters in Christ.  Let’s confront and resist the spirit of lawlessness at all cost.  God hates lawlessness.  Lawlessness is the work of Satan.  If we are going to take Jesus’ command for making disciples a serious matter, let us seek ways to become more accountable to one another even when it becomes uncomfortable and inconvenient.  Discipleship is our mantle and witness for making a positive difference in the world.

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1 Response to "MAKE DISCIPLES"

  1. Linda Tyndall says:

    Pastor it is amazing how the word of God comes across the pulpit and line right up with something you have just experenced or is being conforted with at that momment. Accontability do not feel good,you will most likely get mad before you will even consister it. I was confronted with a situation this weekend and i was out of town did not even hear the word yet and now to read this it surely let you know if the Holy Sprit wants to minister to you it can do it long distant and use who ever He wants to,to do it. Thank you for allowing the Holy Spirit to minister to you in every area of your life so you are able to hear from Him clearly. Bless you and your whole house in JESUS name.