Can a man love two women at the same time?  Some say yes and some say no.  Regardless of what the man may think, no woman wants to be second, and sooner or later the man must choose one.

If in the natural, a man or woman must eventually choose the one he or she loves the most, why do many Christians continue trying to love God and love the world at the same time?  They say they want more of God, but they refuse to turn from the world. They may not realize it, but their love and affections for other things hinders their love for God.

Paul, the apostle said; You are not restricted by us, but you are restricted by your own affections (2 Cor 6:12).

Many Christians may wonder why they love God, but find it difficult to draw closer to God. The apostle describes how believers can struggle with wanting to please God on one hand, but on the other hand continue doing things that are not pleasing to God.  He says;

For I delight in the law of God according to the inward man. 23 But I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members (Rom.7:22,23).

In this passage Paul describes two different laws warring against the law of the mind. One is the law of God that is in the inward man (my heart), and the other is the law of sin that is working in my members (my flesh).  These two laws are working in every believer and therefore believers must learn to appropriate the right things for the right law.  Therefore, believers must appropriate both,  the love of God for developing the inward man, and the fear of God to keep the flesh under control.
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Our love for God in our hearts moves us to draw closer to God.  Our fear of God moves us to discipline our flesh to run from sin and evil.  In the New Testament, the good news is God’s love of grace and mercy to forgive us. God is longsuffering and gives us time to repent.  When we focus on God’s love we know He will forgive, but we do not move with a sense of urgency.  We believe we have time and God is longsuffering who will forgive when we turn toward Him.

However, when sin is not punished quickly, people continue in their sins.  They know they should change, but keep putting it off.  They say things like, “God knows my heart,” and continue doing things they know is not pleasing to God.  The fear of God is not before them.

Because the sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil (Eccl 8:11).

When people focus on God’s love, they do not see the urgency of shunning temptations of sin.  It’s not the love of God, but the fear of God that moves people to turn from sin.   Many believers do not know how to apply both to their lives.  This is why the Bible says; Therefore, having these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God  (2 Cor 7:1).

Therefore, every believer who loves God should also choose to walk in the fear of God.  If you love God and desire to move closer to God, then activate the fear of God and turn away from other affections you may love.  Time is up from trying to love two.   You’ve got to choose one.

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4 Responses to "LOVE TWO? CHOOSE ONE."

  1. Lady Gloria says:

    THANK YOU MAN OF GOD! This is How it works. Paul encouraged the Colossians To Set your AFFECTIONS on things above and not the things of the earth( 3:2.) As we draw closer to the Lord, He said He would draw close to us, and we will experience over, and over, again His Great Love for us, and This is The Way to grow in our relationship with the Lord and one another. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of WISDOM! We cannot do this on our own, The very Spirit of God HELPS US!

  2. Lanee D. says:

    I believe that many people want to please God but they are afraid of getting close to Him because they don’t want to disappoint Him. That’s me speaking from my own experience and I’ve had a time with that concept. I had to learn that it is not I that changes me but it is Christ that changes me. I believe that if you love God the way you say you do then everything including your thoughts and actions will line up with his word and you will do what you can to please Him and you will take pleasure in it.

    I do think that one can love two women but the man will always love one more than the other and it will cause a problem between the two females. The one who feels less loved will become jealous and will probably do anything that they can to remove the other.

  3. Linda Tyndall says:

    Well Pastor I choose to love God because from past experience, he has never left me nor has he forsaken me even in the worst times. God has always made a way of escape for me. I’m not saying that i have never had to go through some things but even in the going through, God has always shown his love towards me. Even in something as small as telling me to stand still and see the salvation of the Lord, remember my promises to you for they all are still yes and amen. Sometimes it can appear to look one way but it’s not what it looks like so the Holy Spirit so gently whispers in my ear,”remember what I have promised” and that gives me the reassurance to take my eyes off of the negative, to press forward in my praise and know that God has that one thing and any other situation that might occur in my life. That’s why i’ve chosen God, to love Him with all my heart, mind and soul and to trust him with my life. For He knows the plan He has for me and I will see that plan be manifested in Jesus’ name.

  4. Jason aka W.In.G.S.P.A.N. says:

    There is a never ending fight between our Spirit and our flesh. The winner of the fight wins our most prized possession – OUR SOUL. I was one and there are those that try to play both sides, but you really can’t experience the fullness of one when trying to be a lukewarm christian (Revelation 3:15). God wants his people to choose, I mean why not! If you going to live a sinful lifestyle why not go all out and get your temporary fix as much as you can without trying to love God and mess your high up! OR Live a righteous lifestyle walking in the power of the Holy Ghost that is never temporary but EVERLASTING. Now I believe that anyone that has tasted the goodness of the Lord Jesus Christ will never be able to be comfortable in a sinful lifestyle but still will try to just to either “fit in with the crowd” or let there “church hurt” or “grudges against the righteous” get the best of them. That taste of God’s goodness is that powerful to mess up your high. Really this type of lifestyle of trying, (and I repeat TRYING) to play both sides is actually torment to the mind of any human being.