Love is Your Calling

A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another.  35 By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another (John 13:34-35 ).

In Jn.8:1-11 is the story of a woman caught in adultery.  In being exposed for what she had done, she experienced brokenness.   And in her brokenness, she encountered a love that did not condemn her, but gave her another chance.  According to the law, both the man and woman who commit adultery could have been stoned to death.  The religious leaders were only interested in trapping Jesus in his message of God’s love. 

Condemned people condemn people.  Some people are set on finding fault in others.  If they would stop and consider themselves, they would know that everyone has faults.  No one is perfect and without sin, but Jesus Christ.  But when Jesus saw the woman, he saw a person who was looking for love. And in seeing the need of the person, Jesus showed her mercy by not condemning her, but giving her another chance.

We believe God uses relationships to change us for the better, and the reality is that we don’t experience relationships when we’re just sitting in rows. Learning together is an important first step, but it’s not the only step. When you’re fully involved in the life that God wants, God uses the church and other people to help you grow, and God uses you to help other people grow.

Jesus doesn’t want the church to be an exclusive club. He wants everyone to know him and follow him. So we think it’s vital that as we become fully engaged in church, we invest in unchurched people in our lives. That doesn’t mean that we treat them as projects. It means that we genuinely care about them, get to know what’s happening in their lives, and, when the time is right, invite them to take an appropriate next step toward Jesus Christ.
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People need love.  People need acceptance.  People need a second chance.  People need someone to love them even when it’s not easy.  When people have been broken, hurt, and disappointed by others, they become afraid.  But when they recognize God’s love, they respond.  They become willing to change and grow.  But they just need someone who will accept them, and give them another chance to grow. 

How can you show God’s love to someone this week?

How do you demonstrate love to those who are the most difficult to love?

Love is Your Calling

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