Do we really want to hear God?  Can we expect for God to speak to us? How can we tell if it is God or not?  Why should we want to hear from God?

In times of challenge, we want clarity.  In times of trouble, we want to know the way of escape. These require knowing the will of the Lord.  We want guidance.  We want to know if we are fulfilling God’s will for our lives.  We want assurance that our labor is not in vain. We believe that if we hear from God, He will lead us through the maze of trouble, and deliver us from evil that is all around.  In the midst of trouble and confusion, we need to hear from God.

There are many who debate the issue of “listening to God.”  Some may question the notion of communing with God altogether.  Others focus on what God has said through His Word.  Others focus on hearing God through a preacher or teacher.  Some are more mystical in seeking to hear God through dreams, visions, and prophetic utterances.  These all have relevance in knowing God’s will for our lives.

Many are in situations where they need clarity of God’s will. They are faced with challenges.  Some are confused from having done all they know but are not getting the results they desire. They wonder if they are fulfilling God’s will for their lives.  Some are at the crossroads and need clarity of direction.  All of these can benefit from knowing God’s will, and following a few principles can help anyone become more sensitive to “listening to God.”

Jesus described this principle in the parable of the sower (see Mk. 4:3-20).  This parable teaches how to receive God’s word and get the results desired.  The sower sows seed in four types of soil, and the results are based on the condition of the soil.  Likewise, the word is sown in the heart of man, and the results received are based on the condition of the heart.  Only when the ground or the heart is properly prepared does one get the proper results.  Therefore, our challenge is to prepare our hearts to hear and receive the word.  The word as seed will produce the results.

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“Wayside hearing” refers to being around many voices and distractions that seek our attention.  Our families, our jobs, our friends, many teachers, our school work, TV, Facebook, and many other voices seek our attention.  This describes the heart of the wayside hearer.  They hear God’s word, but because of many other voices on the “wayside,” they do not prioritize with whom they give attention.  The enemy comes and snatches the word out of the heart.

The challenge of wayside hearers is to make a resolve decision concerning to whom they will give their attention and focus.  Fruit comes from focused attention.  Confusion comes when our attention is scattered on too many things.  Therefore, clarity comes when we resolve with whom we will give our attention.  Deciding on whom we will follow is the first principle of producing fruit.

We all need guidance and accountability.  We all are tempted to stay by the “wayside.” But this does not produce the fruit we desire. We must therefore move from the noise of many voices.   If we want greater clarity in “listening to God,” we must decide where we will give our attention.  We should give attention to someone who can help us focus on fulfilling God’s will for our lives.  This principle gets the results we desire.

If you desire spiritual guidance concerning your situation, we can help you find your focus and fulfill your purpose.  Inquire for more information today.

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2 Responses to "LISTENING TO GOD (PT. 2)"

  1. linda tyndall says:

    Pastor the statement is true about staying focused. when you cut off all the noise you are able to hear more clearly from the Holy Spirit. Just yesterday after hearing such a awesome word from the Lord through you, I went home did not cut on anything. I began to seek the Holy Spirit through praying and speaking his word back to him. I want you to know one thing that was concerning me he in a few hours worked that thing out for me and gave me the peace that I needed. I want you to know God loves us so much he will not see us seeking him whole heartedly and not show up. I did not say the way you might want him too but it is for you good. I am determined to be still, hear his voice , obey it and be blessed of the Lord in JESUS name.

  2. Lady Gloria says:

    GET THE CD, GET THE CD, The Holy Spirit through our Senior Pastor spoke to us Divine Revelation concerning this. Remember: Man looks at the outward appearance, but God looks at the HEART!