If we want to hear what God is saying, what can we do to hear more clearly?   Many face great decisions and want to know God’s will for their lives.  They may say; “If I knew what God wanted me to do I would do it.”  Some go to the other extreme saying; “God told me to do. . .”   However, when I consider people’s decisions in the light of what they are receiving, I wonder if they know what it means to listen to God.

How can we know when God is speaking?  There are many voices in the world and our ability to listen can become cloudy and confused.    Notice what Jesus said;

Take care what you listen to…  Be careful how you listen …  Give your minds to what you hear …  If you have ears, listen! And be sure to put into practice what you hear.  The more you do this, the more you will understand what I tell you (Mk.4:23-24).

Jesus also said; My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. (John 10:27)

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God is speaking but are we ready to listen.  This requires work.  This requires practice.  This requires training.  This requires submitting to another for learning to distinguish God’s voice from the many other voices in the world.  A heart ready to listen is also a heart ready to do what God says.

Maybe we aren’t ready to listen.  I wonder how what you think about this  statement.  “The voice of God is as loud as our willingness to listen.”    We say we want to know God’s will, but maybe we’re afraid that God will ask of us something we aren’t ready to do. Maybe too many other things are also shouting for our attention. Or maybe, we already have our minds set to do what we want, and use spiritual language like “God told me. . . ” to justify our own decisions.  These are indications that we may not be ready to listen.

If we really want to know God’s will for our lives, we must seriously prepare our hearts to listen.  How can we develop our hearts to listen to God? Our happiness and success in life depends upon it.

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