I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;…  Ps 139:14

Your success and happiness happens when you can see and like your “true” self.  It is the attitude you have of yourself that you project onto others around you. Before you can have what you desire, you must first become the person who already has the desire.  You must possess it on the inside before it manifest on the outside.  This is a place of intense warfare and requires developing disciplines that lead to change, growth, success and becoming the person you desire to be.

Warfare happens in the soul where the will, emotions, and intellect are engaged.  Notice this war in a conversation John Powell had with someone in preparing to write his book.  They were addressing the title of Powell’s book, Why am I afraid to tell you who I am? 

Author: I’m writing a book, to be called “Why am I afraid to tell you who I am?”

Other:    Do you want an answer to your question?

Author:           That is the purpose of the book, to answer the question.

Other:    But do you want my answer?

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Other:    I am afraid to tell you who I am, because if I tell you who I am, you may not like who I am, and it’s all that I have!

As John Powell notes, this conversation reflects imprisoning fears and self-doubts that cripple most of us from moving toward freedom and happiness.  Our fears that others may not like us indicate we may not even like ourselves.  We feel that we are deprived of something others have, or handicapped in some way where we don’t have what takes to receive what we desire.

Many people construct their identities around past experiences.  They brood over their disappointments, mistakes, and regret what they could’ve done or should’ve done.  They magnify their pains of the past out of proportion.

Look at those who enjoy their work, their families, and their lives.  Now look at those who don’t. What’s the difference between the two?  Happy and satisfied people have a good mental attitude.  They take a positive view of their world.

But those who are unhappy merely clutch tightly to the wrong mental attitude.  It is almost as if they insist on being unhappy.  They search for everything about which to complain – their jobs, their spouses, their family, and their lives.  This form of mental self-destruction often destroys their chances of acquiring greater levels of success.

Therefore, discipline your thoughts to focus on the good things you desire to manifest in your life.  Learn to like yourself and become the person you desire to be.

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  1. Lady Gloria says:

    I have found that sometimes people get offended at the fact that you speak well of yourself (saying what God says about you), and because they are choosing to feel negative about themselves, they want you to jump into that pity ditch with them. But it takes work , and is a process, to speak well of. When we say what God says about us, or a situation, on a continuous basis you will be renewed in the Spirit of your Mind. It takes The Word of God to change a mindset!

  2. Linda Tyndall says:

    pastor it do take work reminding yourself what God has said about you and really believing it after pass decisions, that have landed you where you are now and it is a very hard place to be.I find myself having to keep going to the word and asking the Holy Spirit to help me see what it is he is saying especially when i dont feel like it.I have to line my feelings up with the word than my feelings come in line.thars work but well worth it in JESUS name.