Know the Resurrection Power of Christ

It’s good that you’ve been born for such a time as this.  Even through darkness is all around, the glory of the Lord is shinning brighter and brighter in the lives of those who will trust and follow God’s Way.  God’s glory will be revealed in His church. Therefore, you have a great opportunity to demonstrate to others how to find peace and prosperity by following God’s plan for your life.

Why do people follow Jesus?  Should people get saved only to go to heaven?  Thank God for heaven, but going to heaven is not the only reason for being saved.  God has a plan for you on the earth.  However, for God to use you, God needs a relationship with you.  This relationship is at the center of why you were born.

In asking people what they want out of life, the vast majority will respond, “I just want to be happy.”  However, many are disappointed and frustrated because they look for happiness and can’t find it. They seek things they believe will make them happy, but things only leave them unfulfilled and empty inside.  This happens because of how they live.

The decisions people make every day reflect the type of life they’ve chosen to live.  There are really only two ways.  One leads to life and the other leads to death.  The Bible says; “I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life… (Deut.30:19).  Therefore, changing your life requires recognizing the path you’ve chosen to follow.

One of the greatest needs needs in the church today is in helping people understand God’s way so they may discover God’s plan for their lives.  This requires having a good foundation in “Knowing Christ in  the Power of His Resurrection.” 

Experiencing he power of the resurrected Jesus was foundational in the early church.  However, in my own library, and probably in the libraries of many pastors, there is a lack of materials that can provide Christians with a foundation for living in the resurrected power of Christ.  It’s for this reason that I recently finished writing a book on the subject. 
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People try hard to make life work, but with little results.  They try to be good and do the right thing, but their best efforts are not enough. These people try to live without God, or they serve God only when it’s convenient and easy.  They keep a safe distance and do not become passionate for God.  They do not give God their best.   These types of people will not experience the joy and happiness that come from following God’s way.

Also, a person can have a relationship with God and want to please God, but still not enjoy the benefits of living for God.  This happens because they are trying to live for God according to their own ways.  Too many people seek to follow God’s way by living in their own wisdom, power and strength. This does not work. 

Man was created to live for God.  However, because of sin, man remains distant from God.  Man searches for something to fill the void in his life, but until he knows God, he remains empty.   God often allows painful experiences to cause people to recognize they need Him.  God will even allow people to experience difficult trials so they may learn to submit to God’s way

My new book entitled; Knowing Christ in His Resurrection shows believers how to “Unleash Incredible Power by Loving God and Serving Others.”  It also shows believers how the enemy deceives and hinders them from enjoying the benefits of following God’s way.  The book will be in print shortly, but you can request a copy of the book today for only $15 through the web-site.  This price includes shipping and handling.

Remember, you were born for such a time as this, and our generation needs a greater demonstration of God’s power.  God wants to use you.  You can realize more of God’s power by knowing the resurrection power of Jesus Christ.   Therefore, get to know Christ more and more, and let God use your life to show others how to Love God by Serving Others.

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