At the end of the year, many will reflect, rejoice, and reconsider how to make the next year better.  At the forefront of preparing for a better life next year is making a new year’s resolution.  However, the track record of keeping resolutions is not very good.  Many have desires for change, but their resistance to change is stronger than the desire for change.  Their hope for change is short lived, and they do not change.  They remain the same.

Many people go from year to year and do not experience the change they desire.  But they can change. They just don’t know how.  The fastest and easiest way for change is hidden within the power of the simple words of refrain sung a few years ago – “Don’t Worry, Be Happy.”

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This power of happiness can transform your life, and turn your situation around faster than anything else.   Instead of waiting for something to make you happy, be happy first.  In fact, before making any other resolution for the New Year, make this one.  Resolve that regardless of what happens, you will Be Happy!  It will change your life.

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