There are many who say they love God but do not want anything to do with church.  How can this be?”     Can a person love Jesus without also loving His body, the church?  Both are eternally connected and cannot be separated.

Therefore it seems that anyone who loves Jesus would also love His body, the church.  If we take the Scriptures seriously, we should be concerned with those who say they love Jesus and are not connected with His body.  Notice this text.

He who says he is in the light, and hates his brother, is in darkness until now. He who loves his brother abides in the light, and there is no cause for stumbling in him (1 John 2:9-10).

If someone says, “I love God,” and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen, how can he love God whom he has not seen?  And this commandment we have from Him: that he who loves God must love his brother also. (1 John 4:20-21)

This Scripture makes clear, if we walk in the light, we will have fellowship with members of the body of Christ. “but if we walk in the light as He Himself is in the light, we have fellowship with one another”  (1 John 1:7). If we break fellowship with God’s people, we are also breaking fellowship with Christ. Christianity without fellowship is not true Christianity. God created His church for each member will grow in relation to other members.  A commentary note shines light on the importance of this.
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“Love is the circulatory system of the body. It has been discovered that isolated, unloved babies do not grow properly and are especially susceptible to disease, while babies who are loved and handled grow normally and are stronger. So it is with the children of God. An isolated Christian cannot minister to others, nor can others minister to him, and it is impossible for the gifts to be ministered either way.” (The Bible Exposition Commentary; by Chariot Victor Publishing and Cook Communication Ministries, 1989)

Amos 3:3 states, “Can two walk together, except they be agreed?” (KJV) This does not imply that we must agree on everything, but we should be able to walk together in some things whereby we can agree.  As we walk together, understanding and agreement will grow.  We will either accept our disagreements or learn to work through them.

If we desire to grow in fellowship, we’ll work through areas where we disagree.  Only then will we remain connected in our fellowship.   On the other hand, if we break fellowship with God’s people, we also break connection with the life flow of God.   This may be hard to receive, but it’s true.  Just as no member of the human body can live alone; no member of the body of Christ continues can live alone — being disconnected from the body.

Anyone who has been a part of the church will know that fellowship with the saints can be most glorious and most difficult.  However, if we are serious about our love for God, shouldn’t we also be connected to His church?  Please, help me understand, “Why are so many Christians not committed to God’s church — the body of Christ?”  Also, what will it require for those who are not yet connected to be re-connected?  For all who believe in Jesus, we are the Body of Christ!

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  1. Linda says:

    pastor the main reason is no one wants to be held accountable or submit themselves to another man or woman. The statement i am grown and no one can tell me what to do is so misleading. In doing what you want to do lead you to bondage.I know i have been there because of that very mind set,until i was willing to submit myself to someone and be taught i was going around in circles and making no progress. I was unhappy and wanted everyone else to be too as well. As i submitted the chains of bondage begain to break off of my life. I am released from that curse and in my submitting does not mean i am weak by no mean i am willing to be teachable and admit there are a lot of things i do not know and am willing to let someone that’s more knowledgable speak life into me and i can move forward and be blessed of the Lord in JESUS name.

  2. Lady Gloria says:

    The answer to your Title, for me is another question, How else will we get to KNOW HIM? Jesus is our example, and in the Word he encourages us To Come and Learn of Me, for I am meek and lowly in Heart….., and Sundays message at Faith Community we were reminded of Jesus being separated from Mary and Joseph during the Feast of the Passover. And where was Jesus when they found Him, he was in the Temple(Church) sitting in the midst of the Teachers, both listening to them and asking questions. (Luke 2:41-50). We wear the T-shirt WWJD, have the bumper stickers on our cars, well this is what Jesus DID!