The end of a year is a good time to pause and contemplate life.  This happens when we take a hard look at life and consider who we are, what we want, and where we’re going.  It’s a time for examining our lives with the intention of making necessary adjustments and changes.

We all seek things we believe will bring fulfillment, happiness, and satisfaction.  However, many times, things we thought would bring happiness only leave us unfulfilled and disappointed.  They did not deliver as promised.  Things looked good on the outside, but lack substance on the inside.  We continue to search.  We want something that will “hit the spot.”

How do we find the thing that truly satisfies?  It’s not easy.  Of course, we believe God will satisfy us, but finding Him in the midst of our situation is not easy.  This requires work.  This requires taking a hard look at our lives with a willingness to change whatever is necessary to experience more of Him.

Sometimes we must be willing to forsake something we have to receive something else we want.  Sometimes, we must leave where we are in order to get to where we’re going.  Sometimes we must move from a familiar place of what we know into an unfamiliar place of what we don’t know.  And too many times we hold on to what we have and try to reach for something else we want.  But sometimes, the thing we want is out of reach.  We must first let go.

This can be scary and not many are willing to change what they are doing to experience more of something they want.  It’s not easy because we can have too much invested in the old.  A part of us wants to hold on to what we have, but another part wants more.  We are caught between the two.  The past is behind us and the future is before us, and we are in the middle.  Now is the time to stop; take a pause and contemplate — what do we want, where are we going, what will truly satisfy us?
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Our dilemma can be similar to what happened to Peter when he walked on the water to go to Jesus (see Matt. 14:22-33).  Before he could experience supernatural ability of walking on the water, Peter had to get out of the boat.  There was nothing wrong with the boat, but Peter wanted something more.  He could not have experienced something more without first leaving the familiar place of what he knew.  Seeing Jesus walk on water, Peter wanted to walk on water too.

So it happens with many who are not satisfied with life.  They know there is more. However, too many times they continue searching for natural things to satisfy.    Natural things have their place of satisfaction.  However, they do not have the spiritual substance we need to fill us in the depths of our souls.

Therefore, if you know supernatural ability is in you, only supernatural substance will satisfy you.  However, this requires leaving some old things behind.  We want more.  Not more things.  We want more of Him.  We want more of His Presence.  We want more of His Supernatural Presence in our lives.

Therefore, let a part of your New Year’s Resolution also include this: Get close to God and let Him satisfy you.  I guarantee.  It will “Hit the Spot.”

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