Giving and Receiving

Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again. (Luke 6:38 KJV)

Do you know someone who gives, but do not seem to be happy with life.  They give and give and do not seem to be receiving a satisfactory return for their giving.

There was a pastor who vented his frustrations by saying; when he served another pastor, he was faithful, but now he can’t find anyone to be faithful in serving him.  He was confused in why he had given so much, and not receiving in return what he had done to someone else. Like this pastor, you can become frustrated and worn out if you continue giving without receiving.

The Scriptures motivate us to give with a great promise of receiving much more in return.  So what’s the problem?  If you give faithfully of yourself and your gifts, shouldn’t you receive back a satisfactory return?

The problem is as simple as not understanding the principle of giving and receiving.  Sometimes the reward is financial, and sometimes it’s not.  Sometimes the reward is a new friendship where you gain access into a person’s life.  Sometimes the reward is gaining new information to get you to the next level. Sometimes the reward is a door of opportunity. Sometimes the reward is just having peace of mind in doing the right thing.  You must identify the reward and celebrate it to increase your capacity to receive more of it. But if you don’t recognize it, you fail to celebrate it.
Six things to help you give more attention to giving and receiving

These are things to help you receive greater reward and create more opportunities from your giving.  Through these you become more focused and deliberate in your giving and receiving.

1.     Recognize your unique gift and ability to serve.

A man’s gift makes room for him, And brings him before great men (Prov.18:16).

Many do not know how their unique gift and abilities work in their lives to meet a need for someone who is willing to pay for it.  Your gift should manifest in some practical and meaningful way to solve a problem for someone else.  Develop your gift and serve with quality.  If you value what you have, and develop it, and offer the best you have to serve others, you’ll experience greater return on your giving.

2.     Listen for the needs and desires of people.

Many times you may give to others what you want them to have, but it may not be what they want.  Sometimes people don’t know what they want.  You must listen intently to their needs and concerns.  Hidden there somewhere is an opportunity to serve them and meet some need in their lives.

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You can’t continue giving without monetary compensation.  How can you get paid for what you do?  Many get paid on their job for something they might not enjoy doing, but they are paid because of the type of problem they can solve.

A problem young entrepreneur has is identifying a need where someone is willing to pay for it.  This can be tricky.  Is someone paying for what you have to offer?  Who are they?  How much are they paying? Unless others value what you offer, they are unwilling to pay for it. Those businesses already established have figured out ways to do this.  The entrepreneur starting a business has not.

4.     Practice warfare to get your breakthrough.

You have an enemy who wants to frustrate and delay your reward.  You must not become passive, but instead become passionate about receiving your reward.  Like a seed must break through the earth to become a tender plant or a woman who gives birth to a child with great intensity, receiving a breakthrough for your reward requires much energy.  Once the breakthrough is made, there is an many years of supply from just one breakthrough.

5.     Get to know more people. Expand your borders.

You’ve got to step out of the boat, and expose yourself to many people.  Like the Apostle Peter got out of the boat, he experienced something other disciples did not.  Too many times people become comfortable in their boats and too afraid to move beyond their borders.  There is a world of experience and reward out there, but you’ve got to get out of your boat of comfort.

Build your sphere of influence beyond the walls of your familiar places – your family, old friends, and your church.  These are good for a firm foundation, but there is a world of opportunity waiting for you beyond these borders.  Venture beyond your familiar places and meet new people.  Share your dreams and listen to theirs.  Seek to serve more people.

6.     Practice doing favors.

If you want favor from God, you must practice doing favors for people.  Favors open doors for relationships, and relationships create opportunity, and opportunities bring increase.  Do a favor or solve a problem for someone.  Do a good deed to someone without asking for anything in return.  Do a good deed for someone and it will increase your capacity to receive.

Practice these principles this week and share your testimonies of how you are using the principle of giving and receiving.  It’s time to receive your reward.

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2 Responses to "Giving and Receiving"

  1. just did a favor for someone,allowed them to go ahead of me in library. I never know when they might be able to help me. Her name is linda as well.How funny is that,she was in a hurry,but i was not.Just by me letting her check out sooner could lead down a road i would never have gone on other wise. God is always up to something and i pray he allow me to be a part of it.

  2. April Williams says:

    A couple weeks ago- I was traveling in Seattle for a week of training. During a break for lunch in one of the largest buildings in Seattle- which has over 70 floors- I was in line on the lower level paying for my lunch- when the lady behind me verbalized, “oh my – I forgot my wallet upstairs- may I leave this plate here and go retrieve it?” She asked the cashier. I immediately responded by saying – “I’ll pay for your lunch” of course she replied by saying I can’t allow you to do that- however after some convincing finally accepted for me to do so- I could not allow her food to sit and get cold while she went to (no telling) what floor she worked to retrieve her wallet. She asked for my name and # to repay me and I responded by saying just paying it forward. She kept thanking me – however I look at it as God continuing to Bless even when people least expect it.