Get To Know Yourself

Success begins with how we see ourselves. It is the attitude we have of ourselves and the world around us. Developing a System for “Being” is where we recognize who we are, and manifest into the type of person we desire to be. Before we can have what we desire, we must first become the person who possesses on the inside the things we desire to manifest on the outside. Developing habits of “Being” is a place of intense warfare where we change, grow, and become more.

Our “Being” (or Becoming) happens in the place of the soul. It is the seat of personality where the will, emotions, and intellect are engaged. This requires work, discipline, and warfare. We can recognize the work and warfare to be expected from a conversation John Powell had with someone in preparing to write his book entitled Why am I afraid to tell you who I am? (p.11)

Author: I’m writing a book, to be called “Why am I afraid to tell you who I am?”
Other: Do you want an answer to your question?
Author: That is the purpose of the book, to answer the question.
Other: But do you want my answer?
Author: Of, course I do.
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As John Powell notes, this conversation reflects something of the imprisoning fears and self-doubts that cripple most of us from moving to experience the freedom and happiness of true success. Our feeling that others may not like us indicates that we may not like ourselves.

We often construct our identities around past failures. When we’ve had bad experiences, and brood over our disappointments, mistakes, or failures, we magnify the experience out of proportion. It’s like taking a small stone off the beach and holding it close to your eye. When held close, the stone can completely block your view. But if you hold it at a proper viewing distance, it can be examined and properly dealt with. If you drop it at your feet, the same stone that once blinded your view now becomes a small stepping-stone.

Look at those who enjoy their work, their families, and their lives. Now look at those who don’t. What’s the difference between the two? Happy and satisfied people control their mental attitude. They take a positive view of their world. When something isn’t to their liking, they learn to develop their good qualities while managing well their bad ones.

But those who are unhappy merely clutch tightly to the wrong mental attitude. It is almost as if they insist on being unhappy. They search for everything about which to complain – their jobs, their spouses, their family, and their lives. This form of mental self-destruction often destroys their chances of acquiring greater levels of success. Therefore, we should discipline our thoughts to focus on the good things we desire to manifest in our lives. Get to know yourself and become the person you desire to be.

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