Finding True Happiness

What would it be like if you found true happiness?
People want someone to accept them and appreciate them.
People want to be free to express themselves.
People want to be loved for who they are.
People want to enjoy life, and enjoy the abundant life.

The way many people seek happiness oftentimes keeps them from finding true happiness. People want to be loved, but they don’t even love themselves. People want others to accept them, but they don’t even accept themselves. People are unhappy because they are afraid of opening themselves up for others to come and know. This requires brokenness, and when people resist brokenness, they resist the pathway to true happiness.

Those who are the least happy and experience the greatest depression are those who are consumed with their own problems. They are afraid of getting too close to others because it will cost them. It will require them to move beyond their comfort zone. It will require of them to change something in their lives, their habits, and maybe their attitudes. When people resist these, they resist the very things that lead to greater enjoyment and happiness.

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In an article several years ago in Current Trends and Thoughts, Dr. Crabb says churches rarely function as spiritual communities. A spiritual community is a place that is safe enough for us to own and reveal our brokenness. A spiritual community exists when people feel safe to address the deep things of the heart. In such an atmosphere people express their faith as well as their fears. When members of a spiritual community reach a level of vulnerability, authenticity, and speaking the truth in love, something good is released. An appetite for holy things is stirred. In spiritual communities, God heals the broken-hearted and sets the captives free.

Why is spiritual community so rare? — Because it involves brokenness. Too often, people would much rather be impressively intact than broken, but only broken people can be fitted together. It’s through our shared weaknesses, not just our competences that we get closer to others. It is in sharing our sorrows, as well as our blessings, that we come closer together. It is our shared frustrations and failures, as well as our successes that join us together. It’s when we are broken, not when we have everything perfectly intact that we get to know one another. Our humility through brokenness breaks down the walls that keep us apart.

Life isn’t easy for anyone. We all need encouragement. Life flows through broken vessels. Speaking the truth in love creates an atmosphere where people can learn to express their true selves without fear of being judged for who they are not. True spiritual communities develop when people feel safe enough to be broken, and where the life of Christ pours out of one to energize the life of another.

Michelangelo once responded to a question of how he was able to sculpt a beautiful angel out of stone. Michelangelo replied, “I see the angel in the stone, and I take my hammer and chisel and set it free.” Likewise, we can follow his example to set others free. We must first see Christ in others and with words of encouragement we can chisel away the excess and set others free. Speaking the truth in love through brokenness and humility to set others free is the Pathway to True Happiness.

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