Your success is closer then you realize. Before it happens to you, it must happen in you.  The number one principal to receiving more is hidden in giving more.  Give and it shall be given to you, good measure, shaken together, pressed down, and running over will men give into your bosom (Luke 6:38).

Those who are unhappy in life seem to clutch the wrong attitude.  It seems as though they insist on being unhappy.  They search for everything about which to complain – their jobs, their spouses, their children, the place they live, and on and on.  They have an attitude that insists on finding something “bad” in every situation.

Seeing life this way is like walking on the beach and seeing a small peddle on the ground.  You can stop and pick up the rock.  As you bring the rock closer to your face it seems bigger.  You can bring the rock so close to the eye, that you can’t see anything because the rock blinds you from everything else.  This is what happens to the person who insists on magnifying the bad.  They hold it so close to them they can’t see anything else.

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We receive back from the same measure we give, not just in the amount, but in the attitude we give it.  Find greater value in what you do.  Serve with the right attitude.  Develop a passion for serving.  Get fully involved in something worthwhile.  Take more responsibility and serve more. Whatever you do, do it as to the Lord (Col.3:23).

Don’t be a part of the problem, become a part of the solution.  If you see something missing, replace it.  When something is broken, fix it.  When someone falls, build them back up.  Develop a Servant’s Attitude, and seek to make God’s world a better place to live.    And you will receive back to you much more than you could imagine or think.

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