Disciples are True Worshippers

Blessed are the pure in heart, For they shall see God (Matt. 5:8).

A pure heart refers to devotion and worship.  The definition of worship is not in Scripture. However, even though the definition of worship is not in Scripture, the evidence of worship is found throughout Scripture.  The Bible is about man learning to worship God. 

The Bible says; But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him. God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.” (John 4:23. 24).

Three things reflect what’s truly important to us.  Those who desire to be true worshippers should consider how they will worship God with these three things — our time, talent, and treasure.

Time — We give time to things we enjoy.  Others are demanding of our time, and making time for God is easily pushed aside.  However, to honor God in our time, we can give him a few minutes each morning in devotions. Take time reading the gospels and allow the Scriptures to speak to you. 
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What about making time to worship with the saints on the Lord’s Day?  Some people find other things to do on the Lord’s Day, and do not attend church.    However, a true worshipper faithfully attends church on Sunday.  This is a special time when the body of Christ joins together in worship.  Therefore, be a disciple who worships with other believers on the Lord’s Day.

Talent — Talent refers to our service.   A disciple offers his talents in the service of God.  We should be more deliberate in offering our talents and abilities to promote God’s kingdom.   Faithfully serving in the church is one way to demonstrate this.  How can you worship God in faithful service?

Treasure – God also observes how we use money.  Our check books reflect what’s truly important to us.  We spend money on things we enjoy.  We may say we have bills, but we generated the bill.  And oftentimes people get in debt and make financial commitments without considering how it affects their giving to God’s work.  How we spend money is a reflection of what’s important to us.  How can you better demonstrate worship in giving?   

God seeks true worshippers who worship God with all their heart.   Therefore, we should examine how we use your time, talent, and treasure as ways of expressing our worship to God. 

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