Develop a Successful Self-Image

Change, growth, and success in life begin with self-image and hard work.  One important thing that “weight loss” programs teach is for the overweight person is to get an image of being slim.  It takes lots of hard work to develop that new image.  The old self-image has developed over the years and it does not leave easily.  But if you want to become a new person, you must get a new self-image.

A baby boy has the potential to be a man, but may not necessarily develop qualities of manhood.  He must learn to be a man.  A young girl has the potential to become a woman, but does not automatically become a woman with age and physical development.  She must develop into qualities of womanhood.  Many times we think that because we are fully grown in physical statue, we are fully developed in spirit.  Physical growth is automatic, but spiritual growth is not.

Likewise, in order to grow into the person of greater levels of success, it does not happen automatically.  You must want to succeed.  You must develop a self-image that can handle more success.  Unless you get a new self-image, you’ll sabotage all opportunities of success.  But a new self-image creates within you the capacity to receive more.

The real ‘you’ on the inside of you has the capacity to grow, change, increase, and become more successful.   From birth to death, you have opportunity to grow into your full potential.  There is more of you are on the inside of you seeking to be revealed.
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This person is hidden in the depths of your heart and it requires work for the image of this person to develop.   It’s hard work because it requires changing on the inside.  We’ve got to desire it, pursue it, and work it, from the inside/out.

While addressing the question “Who are you?” is a good one.  A better question is this.  “Who do you want to be?”

Register for our upcoming on-line Bible Teachings for “Kingdom Success.”  It will help you get from where you are to where you want to be.  Send request to


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