Covenant Love

God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him (1 John 4:16).

God’s love is different than human love.  Human love is based on feelings.  God’s love is based on the covenant of promise. Covenant represents an agreement between two parties.  As persons receive Jesus Christ, they receive the blood sacrifice that was made for them.  They then enter into covenant relations with God the Father and Jesus Christ. 

Christian love is a special kind of love. “In this way is seen the true love. Love that is born out of the very essence of God is holy and pure, because God is spirit.  This love is “poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us” (see Rom 5:5).   And this love also moves believers to connect with the body of Christ in some local church.  Don’t forsake the assembling of yourselves together, and so much the more as you see that day approaching (Heb.10:25).

Covenant has to do with agreement, exchange, alliance, and committed relationship.  Two parties make an agreement so that what belongs to one also belongs to the other.  If one is weak, then one seeks covenant with one who is strong.  Love is a commitment that is formed in a covenant of promise.  Therefore covenant goes to the heart of the matter of any meaningful relationship.

Man is not able to fulfill the requirements of the Old Testament Law.  So God established a New Covenant whereby man should trust in the finished work of Christ.  By believing in what God has already done in Christ, the power of Christ enables man to fulfill his part of the covenant. 
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Therefore, through Christ, God receives our weaknesses so we might receive His strength.  Through Christ, God receives our inability so we might receive His ability.  Through Christ, God receives our sin so we might receive His righteousness.  Therefore, repent and believe the gospel to enter into covenant with God through Jesus Christ.   You can have the assurance that God’s Spirit of wisdom, power, and ability works in the believer to enjoy all the benefits of covenant relationship. 

 Questions for Reflection and Discussion:

  1. How should believers uphold their end of the covenant relationship with Christ?
  2. How are you reminded that it’s God’s strength and ability that is working in your life?
  3. What do you do when it’s not easy to trust God to fulfill the promised covenant?

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