Confidence — The Attitude of Winners

Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him (1 Jn. 5:14-15).

What builds confidence in God?  Our confidence is built on the surety of what Christ has already done on the cross of Calvary.  This is a sure foundation that gives us confidence in the face of every situation.  A great price has already been paid so we may experience His Abundant Life, and have it today.

Before you can achieve the things you desire, you must first become what you desire.  You must think, act, walk, talk, and conduct yourself as a person you already has the thing you desire.  This confidence gives off a radiation and attitude that reveals that you are a person who knows where you are going, and it positions you to receive the thing you desire.

It takes confidence to move from where we are to where we want to be.  Beginning anew can be scary, and too often we cling to the familiar and never move forward. However, beginning anew can be adventurous and rewarding.  It all depends on your confidence of moving into a new place with the surety of who you are in Christ, and willing to become the person God wants you to be.

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However, some may have lost confidence because they’ve failed in the past.  Fear has become a stronghold that hinders them from moving forward.  Christians are not perfect people, but are forgiven people who repent, get back up and get on withlife.  God often allows people to experience the pain of failure, so they may realize how much they need Him. The Bible lets us know that God doesn’t give up on those who mess up.   But God expects those who mess up to repent, get back up, and get back in the game of life.

Anytime you move into a new place and leave a place of familiarity, there is a measure of fear.  But the real question is; “What will you do?”  Will the fear stop you, or will you move forward regardless.  Remember, confidence is not waiting until fear leaves before acting.  Instead, it is acting even when fear is present.  Confidence requires acting in spite of fear.    Your decision made in confidence is the key for your success.  And the only person who can make the decision is you.

Being confident that He who has begun a good work in you will bring it to completion (Ph. 1:6).  Therefore, Stop Trying.  Start Doing. And Start Now.

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