Change from the Inside Out

We can change our hairstyles, buy new clothes, reorganize our closets, paint the walls, straighten up our desks, and rearrange the furniture – but many times we resist the kind of change that makes our lives more meaningful and satisfying.  Too often, we refuse to let go of old habits, attitudes, and relationships even when we know it’s the right thing to do.

Why do we resist change? Change can be scary.  Change presents unknown factors. Change forces us out of the comfort zones. However, when we overcome our fears of change, we enter into new realities to become the person we desire to become.

The one constant thing in life is “change.”  Everything changes. This law of change states: Nothing in the world stands still!  Everything in the world is constantly moving and changing.  Therefore, change for us can be for the better or for the worse.

Most of the time people do not change until they are forced to change.  When people face pressure, they often take the path of least resistance rather than venture into new territory.  They often remain in safe places of familiarity while at the same time wishing their situation would change. Too often they refuse to change except until they are forced to change.  For this reason, it’s better to have a plan for change.

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Since things are constantly changing, it’s better to grow with “planned change” — sacrificing our places of comfort and venturing into new territory.  Even when we encounter situations where we are forced to change, it’s not too late to bring something good out of it.  Search for the good, and develop a plan of action to cause it to happen.  Be assured of this: “All things work together for good to those who love God and are the called according to His purpose” (Rom. 8:28).

Whether we are forced to change from the outside or desire to change from the inside, having a plan for incorporating change is a good thing.  With all change, we can use as an opportunity to we grow.  We can celebrate our changing with this proclamation.  “The ‘old me’ that I use to be is now transformed into the ‘new me’ that I want to be.  I’m changing.  I’m growing.  I’m getting better.  I’m becoming the person I want to be.”   Hallelujah!!!


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