Category Archives: POWER Mentoring

The Prodigal Father

We’ve heard of the prodigal son who left home, but now we have prodigal fathers who have left home.  Last night was the first discussion I’ve heard concerning “fatherless sons” since I began writing and teaching on “Connecting Fathers and Sons” several months ago.  I’m sure there have been discussions, but I just haven’t heard them. My wife asked me...
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Where Are The Men?

Why is it that men are not as active in the church as women?  Does God not have a plan for them?  Do men know what that plan is?  How can the church reach our men? One of the greatest needs in our churches is the involvement of men.  Our outreach ministries have focused on mass media and special programs. ...
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And you, fathers, do not provoke your children to wrath, but bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord. (Eph 6:4) Many men do not accept the responsibility as spiritual leaders in the home because they expect pastors to do it.  We need spiritual leaders in the church, but these cannot replace the man as a spiritual...
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In Search of Fathers

For though you might have ten thousand instructors in Christ,yet you do not have many fathers; …  (1 Cor.4:14). Any person can teach a child to ride a bike, but something special happens when a father does it.  The driver’s education teacher can teach the student to drive a car, but something special happens when the father gets from behind...
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The Flap Over School Discipline

African American males in primary and secondary schools were suspended more than twice as often as white males in 1992, according to the Office of Civil Rights. If national statistics paint a bleak picture of suspensions for African American boys, some district-level figures are even more revealing: In the Minneapolis school system, for instance, enrollment of black and white males...
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