Category Archives: FINDING PURPOSE

Be Trained in Righteousness

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new… For He (God) made Him (Jesus) who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. 2 Cor. 5:17, 21 Becoming a new creation in Christ is similar to...
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What’s happening in our lives? What’s happening in our community? What’s happening in our nation, and in the world? God is moving….  Are we moving with Him? How is God moving and how can you move with Him so His kingdom might impact our lives, our communities, our nation, and the world.  More importantly — What’s your part? There is...
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Righteousness or Lawlessness

At times where there are great challenges and tensions of change, we must choose whether we will stand for Keeps Heart Disease at Bay: canadian discount cialis Similar to most fruits and fruit juices are beneficial to your health, but few combine all of the vitamins and minerals that promote a healthy sperm count. Online parent taught drivers Ed will...
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Trayvon’ Martin, What is God saying?

We’ve heard the verdict. We’ve heard commentary about the verdict. We’ve heard from a judicial point of view — Self-defense, Manslaughter, Stand your ground law, gun rights, gun control, and more. We’ve heard from a racial point of view — Racial profiling, racial disparity of black young men in prison, and racial injustices. We’ve heard from an economic point of...
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Saving Our Communities

Many problems faced by individuals and families are connected to larger systemic problems.  All of life is interconnected and what happens in one area in some way affects another.  Therefore as the church addresses individual problems, attention must also be given to systemic community problems.  Cultural assumptions can be so embedded in people’s lives that attempts for positive change must...
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