Category Archives: FINDING PURPOSE

Know the Resurrection Power of Christ

It’s good that you’ve been born for such a time as this.  Even through darkness is all around, the glory of the Lord is shinning brighter and brighter in the lives of those who will trust and follow God’s Way.  God’s glory will be revealed in His church. Therefore, you have a great opportunity to demonstrate to others how to find peace and...
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Discover Your Greatness

Why are you confused and frustrated? It’s because there’s greatness inside of you.  There’s more on the inside of you trying to come out of you.   God is bringing you to a place you’ve never been. You Neogra available in oral jelly form has an ingredient of purchase viagra online browse here now Sildenafil Citrate 100mg. Exercise regularly and maintain...
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What is God’s Will for You?

Throughout life you’ve made decisions about how you will live. Some decisions are more difficult and important than others.  For those who desire to do God’s will must recognize the power of their choices.  In asking people what they want out of life, the vast majority respond; “I just want to be happy.”  However, many are frustrated and disappointed because...
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Help Us Change the World

If you mourn over what’s happening in the world then God can use you. The world is suffering, and many are crying out of help.  When Jesus said, “blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted (Matt. 5:4), he taught his disciples to identify with the tension of knowing God’s will on one hand, and how people resist...
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