Build Your Team (part 2)

From its start-up in 1971 with service to three Texas cities, South West Airlines is now the nation’s sixth largest airline, employing more than 33,000 people and serving 59 cities coast to coast. It is also the only airline that shows continuous profits. Their secret is simple—put people first!

1. Attract people who fit the culture. Hire for attitude and train for skill.
2. Let people be themselves.
3. Create a learning community
4. Provide opportunity for growth and development
5. If they don’t fit, say “Goodbye”. They’re not bad people, they just don’t fit.
6. Encourage people to act like owners

“The hardest thing for our competition to copy is our people” says Herb Kelleher former President and CEO of SWA, and now the Chairman of SWA’s Board of Directors.

Build your team around people who can hold your vision.
You can learn a valuable principle from Southwest Airlines. You can get the worst of the bargain by exchanging valuable ideas with the wrong person. Your ideas should be reserved for those you can trust and who will keep your best interest to heart.

Not everyone is qualified to speak into your life. Therefore be careful about discussing your most personal or valued information with those who have not been qualified. Take time to build quality relationships and your team around these seven components:

1. Recognize those who have a kindred spirit, one of Christ-like humility. The spirit of humility is the glue that joins and holds the relationship. All parties in the relationship recognize the value of the other person in the spirit of humility, serves one another.

Common Vision and Values
2. Look for persons who have similar interest – their vision and values are similar to your own. Others will need to hear and be overwhelmed by your vision and values.
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Compensate for Your Weakness
3. Assess your own strengths and weaknesses. Recruit those who are strong where you are weak. Identify the talents and strengths that you need in a partner that can compensate for the areas of your weaknesses and inabilities.

4. Look for those who will to commit to the relationship. They see value of the partnership and pursue the relationship. If you are committed and the other is not, the partnership will not last.

5. Look at character and integrity. Character is harder to recognize than talents, but far more important. If the potential partner’s ethics and morals aren’t high, sooner or later there’s a good chance the person will betray you or bring harm to someone on your team.

6. Look at the person’s natural drive and gifts rather than his resume. Abilities in one area do not qualify persons for all areas. Consider where a person is competent and utilize them in that area of competence. The person doesn’t have to be perfect, but must be willing to be developed. When members of the team grow, the whole team grows.

7. Is your potential partner a positive or negative person? There are times when any meaningful relationship must address negative things, but a person who constantly looks for the negative can drain positive energy and negatively affect the culture of your company.

Considering these seven traits will help you qualify persons who can fit your team. Building these relationships may take time, but it’s worth it to build your team with quality people around you.

PS. If you desire to strengthen relationships with others who use these principles for building teams, let us know by e-mail which group or groups you have an interest: 1. Business and Entrepreneurship, 2. Community Improvement, or 3. Ministry and Morality. Also send this e-mail to others who may also have an interest. And Remember Don’t Delay. Start Today. Build Your Team!

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