Breakthrough Into Your Next Level

He who walks with wise men will become wise (Prov 13:20).

Have you ever given your best effort, but did not get the results you desired. You tried again and again with the same results. Nothing seems to work. It’s like hitting a wall. You’re frustrated and ready to give up. You don’t know what to do. You need a breakthrough!

You are where you are in life because of what you know. But to get to a place you’ve never been you’ve got to realize what you don’t know. The answer to what you don’t know is hidden in someone else. Either it’s a person you already know or a new person you should get to know.

Demographers have estimated that each adult person knows about 270 other people, some more personal than others. Meaningful relationships can open doors of opportunity for you. Therefore, give more attention to your relationships. Your success depends upon it.

Since opportunities come through people, expand your borders. Get to know more people, and let them get to know you. Share your stories, dreams, and aspirations, and listen as they share theirs with you.

In his book, Think and Grow Rich, a Black Choice, Dennis Kimbro shares a concept of how ways of relating to one another are changing, especially in the business arena. He contends that for centuries businesses operated under a pyramid organizational structure where information and communication moved from the top to the bottom. However, now nearly all successful companies are networking in an age of cooperative effort. Top management sill has value, but more people are talking to each other, exchanging ideas, at different levels, and in different directions. (Kimbro, Think and Grow Rich, a Black Choice, p195).

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The world is built upon this interconnecting network of people. Through the explosion of social media, networking has become a powerful force in the world.

Therefore pay more attention to how you interconnect with other people. Build your sphere of influence beyond the walls of your familiar places – your family, old friends, co-workers, and your church. These may be essential for a good foundation, but there is a world of opportunity waiting for you. You must venture out. Move beyond your familiar places and meet new people.

Develop greater joy in being with people, talking and listening to them. Take time in getting to know someone you don’t know. Listen for a need they may have. You may or may not be able to meet the need, but you can become a vital link –connecting them with someone who can. Why would you want to do this? It’s because you love people and desire to be more involved and engaged in adding value to the lives of others.

Increasing value in others happens when you serve people and meet their needs. Therefore, do not build relationships to make a sale. Build relationships for the joy of the relationship. Some will show appreciation while others may not. Love them anyway. Value all relationships, but keep moving, keep searching, and expose your services to more people. There is an abundance of wealth available, and what you have to offer is valuable to someone. You must find them.

Remember, the objective is not always to make a sale or get paid, but to meet a need. Money and compensation are by-products of this most important cause – loving others, and serving them in some way to add value to their lives.

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