About: Pastor Leo Barnwell

Recent Posts by Pastor Leo Barnwell


At the end of the year, many will reflect, rejoice, and reconsider how to make the next year better.  At the forefront of preparing for a better life next year is making a new year’s resolution.  However, the track record of keeping resolutions is not very good.  Many have desires for change, but their resistance to change is stronger than...
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What Do You Mostly Desire?

Do you desire more finances, happy marriage, fulfilled relationships, health in your body, peace of mind, successful career, making a difference in the lives of others, or something else? Many have dreams of a more successful and fulfilling life, but may wonder why they are not getting better results from their efforts.  They want more but do not know how...
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Accountability — The Secret to Greater Success and Happiness

People want more out life, but something seems to hold them back.  They want to move forward, but seem to be getting nowhere. They ask, “What am I doing wrong?”   “Why are these things happening to me?   How can I get out of my situation?  Where can I get help?” As important as it is for persons to give their...
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Recognize True Authority

When you hear the running of a brand new engine of an automobile all systems run with peak performance.  Each system performs according to the plan of the maker.  Over time, if those systems are not maintained to the guidelines, they begin to break down.  They no longer perform with peak performance because they are no longer perfectly submitted to...
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The Problem with Being Honest

The world hungers for people who are honest and authentic — being who they truly are.  People love it when you are you.  The more authentic you are, the happier you become, and the more positive influence you have on those around you. However, if you are going to be authentic and honest, you have a problem.  The problem is...
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