About: Pastor Leo Barnwell

Recent Posts by Pastor Leo Barnwell


Many people are frustrated with life. They are frustrated in their relationships. They are frustrated on their jobs. They are frustrated with their finances. They are frustrated because they have dreams but don’t know what to do with them. People want more and work hard, but seem to be getting nowhere. Many become confused, frustrated, and do not know what...
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Saving Our Communities

Many problems faced by individuals and families are connected to larger systemic problems.  All of life is interconnected and what happens in one area in some way affects another.  Therefore as the church addresses individual problems, attention must also be given to systemic community problems.  Cultural assumptions can be so embedded in people’s lives that attempts for positive change must...
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Impacting Community with Kingdom Culture

In 1975, Bill Bright, founder of Campus Crusade, and Loren Cunningham, founder of Youth With a Mission, had lunch together in Colorado. God simultaneously gave each of these a message to give to the other. The message in essence was that if we are to impact our nation and communities with the gospel of Jesus Christ, then we would have...
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Get To Know Yourself

Success begins with how we see ourselves. It is the attitude we have of ourselves and the world around us. Developing a System for “Being” is where we recognize who we are, and manifest into the type of person we desire to be. Before we can have what we desire, we must first become the person who possesses on the...
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Finding True Happiness

What would it be like if you found true happiness? People want someone to accept them and appreciate them. People want to be free to express themselves. People want to be loved for who they are. People want to enjoy life, and enjoy the abundant life. The way many people seek happiness oftentimes keeps them from finding true happiness. People...
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