About: Pastor Leo Barnwell

Recent Posts by Pastor Leo Barnwell


Do we really want to hear God?  Can we expect for God to speak to us? How can we tell if it is God or not?  Why should we want to hear from God? In times of challenge, we want clarity.  In times of trouble, we want to know the way of escape. These require knowing the will of the...
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If we want to hear what God is saying, what can we do to hear more clearly?   Many face great decisions and want to know God’s will for their lives.  They may say; “If I knew what God wanted me to do I would do it.”  Some go to the other extreme saying; “God told me to do. . .”  ...
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Righteousness or Lawlessness

At times where there are great challenges and tensions of change, we must choose whether we will stand for Keeps Heart Disease at Bay: canadian discount cialis Similar to most fruits and fruit juices are beneficial to your health, but few combine all of the vitamins and minerals that promote a healthy sperm count. Online parent taught drivers Ed will...
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I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;…  Ps 139:14 Your success and happiness happens when you can see and like your “true” self.  It is the attitude you have of yourself that you project onto others around you. Before you can have what you desire, you must first become the person who already has the desire. ...
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How should the church equip the saints to do the work of the ministry? While the church should be the light of the world and the salt of the earth, in many ways the church loses its power and influence because it is too much like the world.  As believers, we are in the world, but not of the world. ...
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