How should the church equip the saints to do the work of the ministry?

While the church should be the light of the world and the salt of the earth, in many ways the church loses its power and influence because it is too much like the world.  As believers, we are in the world, but not of the world.  Therefore, we should be concerned with how we should be living according to a kingdom mandate where Jesus Christ is both, Lord and King.

Many often expect others to change, but God expects His own people to change. John the Baptist came preaching saying, “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel.” (Mark 1:15).

John the Baptist was not talking to anybody. He was talking to the people of God who were expecting another kingdom where the Messiah rules as King in heaven and earth.  Therefore, God’s people, the church must first repent and believe the gospel.  Before looking for change in the world, the church should embrace change herself.

Too many Christian leaders spend time and energy promoting their church programs and denominational plans, instead of promoting God’s kingdom.  The church should train and equip the saints to do the work of ministry (see Eph. 4:11,12).  Therefore, the message of God’s kingdom must equip the saints to minister beyond the church.  Believers should be equipped to go into the workplace, into governments, and other venues of education, arts, and entertainment.

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Believers are instructed to be witnesses in the earth.  This is more than telling others about Jesus.  It also means living in such a way to reflect what it means to live under the government of God’s kingdom.  Our witness is having been changed and still being changed by God’s love through Jesus Christ.  Then our lives become God’s marketing and advertisement piece to the world.

If we want to see change in the world, in government, in education, in the market place, in the arts and entertainment, and other social structures, we must allow this gospel to first change us.  As we pray for God to heal our land, let’s also be quick to repent and change our old ways.

So how can the church equip the saints to do the work of the ministry?  What do you expect to receive from the church so you might be a better witness?  How can you better promote God’s kingdom in your area of influence?  These are areas whereby every believer should be concerned if they take seriously the mandate of being a witness of God’s kingdom in the world.

Also, you can explore how the ministry of Faith Community equips the saints to do the work of the ministry.  It’s our kingdom mandate.

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  1. Listening says:

    Equipping of the saints should be allowing people to work in area of gift and grace that God has given us all. It definitely takes good leaders to recognize and or apprecaite these gifts. As Jesus equipped His disciples by teaching and demostrating we to need this training, however I’ve notice not all can train nor teach in areas they have no expertise and for this reason we have those that are dormant because they feel that they don’t belong. Now they will feel more comfortable beyond the walls of the church or battle grounds without adequate training. We are to be witness in areas of our lives beyond the church walls, which we can see anyone without proper training will hurt the Kingdom, others and themselves. So what can the church do? Work together to recognize where people are and begin to nuture. Also be willing to let others go when its beyond their area of leadership and training. So if we are working as one body we would and can work together to equip the saints.

  2. Lady Gloria says:

    Pastor, you asked how can I better promote God’s Kingdom in My area of influence?
    By being a GOOD, WISE Listener, and Sharing My Testimony. Whether you know or don’t know where you fit in the Body Of Christ, or your Gifting, Let The Truth of God’s Love for me and reverential Fear have a sure foundation in your Life, so when the storms of Life come, this will be a sure Anchor to Hold you steady!