Why Did Jesus Come?

JESUS SAID; “I have come that they might have life and that they might have it more abundantly” (Jn.10:10b).

Salvation is so great that it satisfies the deepest hunger of man’s need — to be at peace with God and enjoy the benefits and rewards from that peace — Nothing missing, nothing broken, completely whole, and completely satisfied.  Therefore, Jesus came to give you the Abundant Life.

The Abundant Life is an expression of God’s Glory. Glory is the natural beauty of a thing that grows from the inside out.  It is like the bud that blossoms into a beautiful rose.  The glory of the rose is hidden in the bud.  But when it blossoms, its glory is revealed for all to see.  It is like the caterpillar that develops into a butterfly.  Its glory that was hidden in the form of an ugly worm transforms into a beautiful butterfly.

The Abundant Life, for the believer, is the very life and glory of God on the inside that seeks to reveal itself on the outside.  This Abundant Life does not consist of the abundance of things per se.  Instead, it consists of the abundance of God’s glory and goodness being evident in a person’s life.

Therefore, Real Success is not measured in terms of possessions.  Real Success in measured in knowing and fulfilling God’s will for your life and enjoying the benefits for doing so.  To the world, it is considered success, but it is God’s glory being revealed and becomes your witness to attract others to the Lord.

God wants you to reveal the glory of who you were created to be.  As you allow this glory to manifest, it empowers you to:

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– Do what God wants you to do.

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-Enjoy the good life that God wants you to enjoy.

Therefore, “Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works (of glory) and glorify your Father which is in heaven.”  This light of glory on the inside is expressed on the outside as you give yourself away. Giving yourself in service to others does not cause you to lose anything.  Instead, you grow and multiply.  It is like lighting a candle with another candle.  The light is given away to as many candles as it touches, but no candle loses any of its own light of glory.  It just passes along and ignites the light of glory of the other.

Likewise, God wants to use your life to ignite the light of glory in others.  Display the glory of His goodness for others to see.  The world sees it as success, but you know it as the goodness of the Lord being manifested in and through your life.    Your light that shines in the world is your witness that attracts others to desire this Abundant Life that comes through Jesus Christ.

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1 Response to "Why Did Jesus Come?"

  1. Debra Jones says:

    I am going to continue to let God do a new thing in me, so others will see it and want the goodness of Jesus.