Our Purpose is to Glorify God

Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place.     (2 Cor.2:14).

Finding purpose in life touches the very reason of human existence.  Our highest calling is serving in the kingdom of God and living to please God.  In fact, our main purpose in life is to carry the fragrance of victory that represents God in every place.  Believers are to represent Christ with the joy of victorious living and let the aroma of this joy drip from us as a precious oil fragrance wherever we go.  

The believer’s greatest joy is not to have a big house, not to have a lot of money in the bank, not to have the many things we think will make us happy. But the greatest joy is in knowing that we bring pleasure to our Father by knowing Him through His Son Jesus Christ. We have been entrusted to be carriers of the glory to God’s goodness.

Another translation says it this way.  But thanks be to God, Who in Christ always leads us in triumph – as trophies of Christ’s victory – and through us spreads and makes evident the fragrance of the knowledge of God everywhere, For we are the sweet fragrance of Christ … (2 Cor.2:14,15 Amp.)
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Instead of looking like trophies that represent victorious joyous living, Christians oftentimes present an image of God that misrepresents Him.  With as many churches as we have, and as much preaching as we hear, and with as many people who say they are saved, as we observe the behaviors of people, we must wonder if believers have forgotten their true purpose – to be carriers and representatives of the glory of God by living joyous and victorious lives. 

We must learn to be vessels of this glory.  It is not in our own abilities, but it is God’s ability working in us and through us that we display glory.   Therefore, it is not our education.  It is not our good deeds.  It is not in our own wisdom.  It is in recognizing that the very life of God that raised Jesus from the dead now lives in those who believe in Him. And this power gives us the ability to overcome and be victorious in any situation we may encounter.

People go through life trying to find happiness, satisfaction, peace, and they want to know that their lives matters. Where will they find meaning when the job is no longer there? Or their love ones are gone?  Where can they turn?  What will they do?  What will it take for people to turn back God and say, “Lord if you can use anybody, use me.”  “Lord if you want to send somebody, send me.”   “I recognize that I’m not my own, but I belong to You.  I will glorify you with my life.” “I will carry the sweet fragrance of victorious and joyous living everywhere I go.”  “I recognize that this is my purpose for living.”

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1 Response to "Our Purpose is to Glorify God"

  1. RC says:

    Awesome message for representing our God!