What is God’s Will for You?

Throughout life you’ve made decisions about how you will live. Some decisions are more difficult and important than others.  For those who desire to do God’s will must recognize the power of their choices. 

In asking people what they want out of life, the vast majority respond; “I just want to be happy.”  However, many are frustrated and disappointed because they look for happiness in things that do not truly satisfy.  They go after things they believe will make them happy, but only to realize after the fact, they are still empty and unfulfilled.  What’s the problem?

The Bible says; There is a way that seems right to a man, But its end is the way of death (Pro. 16:25). Many people try to find fulfillment and happiness without God.  Or they want God, but only serve God when it’s convenient and easy.  They remain distant. 

There are many religions in the world today, and people choose how they will live. However, there are only two ways to live.  One leads to life, and the other leads to death.

The Bible also says; “I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life… (Deut.30:19).
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True happiness, satisfaction, and fulfillment come from doing the will of the Lord.  You can know God’s will if you want to do God’s will.  But you can’t be passive in knowing God’s will.  You have an enemy that seeks to keep you confused and blind to knowing God’s will.   Therefore, if you want to know God’s will, you must pursue it with passion.

Everyone who desires to please God must recognize they have an enemy.  Many believers underestimate the amount of work and warfare required to doing God’s will.  They try to do it alone.  You have an enemy, the devil, who wants you to keep you stuck where you are.  The Bible says;  Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. 9 Resist him, steadfast in the faith… (1 Pet. 5:8-9).

God’s will for you is to overcome your enemy. No one overcomes alone.  We all need someone who will walk with us and help us in our battles.  Therefore, you need something someone else has, and they need something you have.  The enemy has deceived us into thinking we can win our battles alone.  We can only know what each one has when we get to know each other. 

Share with me what God has called you to do.  Let me hear your passion.  I’ll share with you my passion.  It’s when we learn to work together and do warfare together that we overcome.  Therefore, this is God’s will for you — OVERCOME!

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