Enter Your Sweet Place

Then the spies came back …, and their brethren said to them, “What is your report?” 9 So they said, “Arise, let us go up against them. For we have seen the land, and indeed it is very good. Would you do nothing? Do not hesitate to go, and enter to possess the land. 10 When you go, you will come to a secure people and a large land. For God has given it into your hands, a place where there is no lack of anything that is on the earth.” (Judges 18:9-10)

Enter Your Sweet Place, and don’t let the giants or the storms stop you.  The attitude you have while in the hard places determines your pace for entering your sweet place. You have dreams and desires and it seems that things keep getting in the way.  Giants keep showing up to frighten you, and storms keep coming to rain on your parade.  Use these as opportunities to learn and grow, and enjoy the journey along the way.

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Your attitude and actions determine your pace for entering your sweet place.  Instead of waiting for the storm to past, just learn to dance in the rain. You may look strange, and others might think you’re crazy, but who cares.  If this is what it takes to enter your sweet place, let others think what they want and say what they wish. You’re learning to overcome anything that gets in the way.   You are entering your sweet place.  Don’t wait for the storm to past, Just Start Dancing in the Rain.

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