Don’t Let Perfection Stop You

Many have dreams and want more out of life, but often hinder themselves without realizing it.  They let the idea of “perfection” stop them before they get started.  They want everything to be just right.  They think they must be perfect before God can use them.  They do not recognize that God uses them when they are simply being who God created them to be.

Jesus said on one occasion; “Therefore you shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect” (Matt. 5:48).  Jesus was not talking about being perfect as without flaw, but instead “teleios” which means to be complete, of full age, mature, to finish, or to fulfill.

Only Jesus is perfect, and those who believe on Him seek to be like Him.  Not “perfection” from a human perspective of having no flaws.  Instead they pursue “perfection” from God’s perspective.   God does not use perfect vessels.  God uses broken vessels.  Therefore people may be scarred on the outside, but are “perfectly” broken on the inside and ready to be used by God.

Therefore instead of seeking perfection to eliminate all of your flaws, seek to grow in expressing your unique self as being made in God’s image and likeness.  Expressing your unique self is the greatest gift you can offer anyone.  Discover your gifts and abilities, and don’t be afraid of your flaws and weaknesses.  They are also a part of you, and God uses them too.
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You are both flesh and spirit, in the world but not of the world, some things are brought to the light, and some things hide in the dark.  When you recognize and embrace these, you can be free to be who God wants you to be.

When you take seriously the idea that God wants to use you in your uniqueness, you’ll recognize that you already have what it takes to do what God wants you to do.  Life is not perfect.  People are not perfect.  Churches are not perfect.  And you know you are not perfect.  But you don’t have to be. Take time to prepare and grow, but don’t let “perfection” stop you

Stop waiting for everything to be just right. Live like someone left the gate open!  Live with full speed ahead.  Run with joy and freedom.    Use what you’ve got.  Start with what you have.  Your best witness for God is to BE AUTHENTICALLY YOU!

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