You are the Salt of the Earth

You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men. (Matt. 5:12).

As the salt of the earth, you should affect your environment.   How do you affect your environment?  Are you like a thermometer or a thermostat?  One measures the temperature while the other changes the temperature.  Most people are like the thermometer.  They simply adjust to the environment.  They are not as salt.  Other people change the atmosphere and affect their environment with their lives.  These are being like salt.

The difference between the thermometer and thermostat is like this.  If you are motivated by how you feel, you are being a thermometer.  If you praise God only when you feel like praising God or do what you should do only when you feel like it, that’s a thermometer.  Anyone can praise God when they feel like it, or the atmosphere is already set.  Anyone will do right as long as it’s easy to do and they should do when they feel like it.  Too many Christians are like the thermometer.  Like salt that has lost its saltiness, they have lost their influence.
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However if you praise God when you don’t feel like praising God and do what you should be doing when you don’t feel like it, you are being a thermostat.  As a thermostat that can change the environment, you don’t let how you feel determine what you do.  You don’t wait until everything gets just right before you do right.  You act first, whether you feel like it or not.  You do what you should be doing even when it’s not easy.   And by acting first, you change your feelings and then you change the atmosphere and environment.  Christ wants believers not to conform to the environment, but to change it.

Can you recognize when you are acting like a thermometer?  What are your feelings that keep you from doing what you should be doing?  How do you overcome those feelings and do what should be done anyway?  How are you being a thermostat to change your environment?  Share your response before next Wednesday in our group page.

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