Accountability — The Secret to Greater Success and Happiness

People want more out life, but something seems to hold them back.  They want to move forward, but seem to be getting nowhere. They ask, “What am I doing wrong?”   “Why are these things happening to me?   How can I get out of my situation?  Where can I get help?”

As important as it is for persons to give their lives to God, there is a greater call for being a Christian.  It is becoming an effective witness in God’s kingdom.  This requires training. This requires commitment. This requires being accountable.   Accountability is the secret to greater success in any area of life.

The essence of kingdom success is fulfilling God’s plan for your life. Everyone has a calling, but many are not fulfilling their call because they don’t know what it is.  Neither do they know what to do.  They want more out of life but do not know how to attain it.  They may not realize it, but finding their purpose in life is hidden in the great commandment Jesus gave his disciples. 

“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age” (Matt.28:19, 20).

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Disciples require training, and training requires accountability. When believers give their lives to God they must learn to incorporate spiritual disciplines into their lives. Establishing disciplines is not easy.  However, when persons develop such disciplines, they realize greater power to overcome the things that hold them back.

This is where too many have not benefitted.  They seek to live for God without being accountable to anyone.  However, if they practiced accountability, they would experience a greater power they have not realized.

Anyone can experience better results with accountability.  If you are having difficulty experiencing the success you desire, seek to become more accountable.  You can request information on how to become part of one of our Accountability Groups.  It could be the missing link to the next level of your success.

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