Build Right Relationships

Religion focuses on following rules.  Christianity focuses on building relationships.  If you want success and happiness, you must have the right relationships.  How would you describe your relationships today?  –Your relationship with God?  Obama loves sale levitra the Palestinians as much as he hates Fox News. In your case, however, this probably involved your forehead drooping and gradually coming to rest against your desk as your teacher droned on and on from the front of the classroom about the generic cialis pharmacy importance of doing well on your SAT. Think lovemaking as a need- The more you get closer to each other, the more you will sildenafil 50mg find dependent on one another. The physician may tell you about proper viagra pill price dosage and way to take the treatment. –Your relationship with others?  –Your relationship with yourself?  God uses your relationship with Him and others as a witness of His love.  Focus on having the right relationships, and success is sure to follow.

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